in whose right mind; so help us


That she, a caring mother, did in her bathtub one morning lovingly drown her children one by one, is in the vernacular, a no brainer; she professed it, she confessed it--but the rest of the truth, the whole truth so help you God, is she is not blameworthy, she should not be left to rot. Left to ferment in prison, the agents of her miscarriage of love will foment, and next these instruments of torment will have her pluck out her eyes the better to see.

It brings to mind a psychiatrist and Unit Chief who explained why we organized our care the way we did by saying; 1st we treat the staff, then the family & finally we treat the patient--let it be underscored that it was the prevailing eye for an eye morality which was treated by the verdict rendered, to its just dessert of treacle and vengeance--not justice. For in truth, so help me God, she had not one peer on the jury.

              ...and in the meantime the Archdiocese of Boston is beginning to talk now, the horses long out of the barn, about whether celibacy for its priests is ill-fated. And, not able to agree on any damn thing the Palestinians and the Israelis are blowing themselves to a kingdom coming near you soon, so help them God...

So I think of, the by-now long ago prevailing wisdom of innocence, which allowed us to believe that anyone who attempted suicide was inherently psychotic--there could be no other way of looking at it and no other explanation. After all, no one in their right mind would...

And so help us God, you should hear what the shrinks had to say about tilting at windmills.
